Friday, December 17, 2010

Make every day a brown bag day.

Remember back to when you were a kid in school.  Your mom used to send you off each morning with a kiss and a brown paper lunch bag.  Maybe you even had a nifty lunch box.  The point is, you were taking your lunch to school with you.  Today your lunch at work could cost you $10 to $20 a day depending on where you live and work.  A sack lunch with a sandwich or side salad or leftovers will probably run you under $2.

You do not have to bring your lunch every day, though it sure would save you some money if you did, but try it for two or three days a week.  You could even bring your breakfast instead of going through the drive through at McDonald's or Burger King as well.  You will eat healthier and save some money in the process.

1 comment:

  1. Even better, buy a reusable lunch box and put less paper in the trash. My kids pack their own lunch EVERYDAY. Much cheaper AND healthier because I control the food and snacks we have at the house. In fact, "dessert" after dinner is an apple, orange, or banana..... just need to raise them right :)
