Friday, December 3, 2010

Reduce Air Leakage in Your Home and Save Big Money

There are many places in most homes (even new homes) where your heating and cooling air escapes.  Drafts around windows, doors, pipes electrical light switches and outlets can cause an average of 10% of your energy cost to escape your house.  10% may not seem like very much but if your average heating and cooling bill is $200 a month you would be throwing away $240 a year.  Wouldn't that $240 be nice this time of year so close to Christmas?

One of the quickest money saving things you can do is caulk, seal, and weatherstrip every seams, cracks, and any other openings that can let your air escape.  Large leas can often be found around chimney pipe openings, recessed lighting, wiring and plumbing.  You might want to look into having some infrared photos done of your house on a really hot day and really cold day to see where the worst leaks are.

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